August 30, 2013

Pup Biscuits

My little French Bulldog Toulouse LOVES food. All food. Even stuff that
isn't rabbit poo.

The fact that he will eat anything is fantastic because he considers all
food a reward - even breakfast.

As a food-enthusiast this is awesome because I can try out all sorts of
food on him (as long as it is dog friendly of course!).

Recently, while spiralling through the black hole that is Pinterest, I
came across a recipe for dog biscuits. I thought to myself "oh my gosh,
Toulouse would love these!". In actual fact, Toulouse wouldn't care if I
made him a pile of rabbit poo brownies - he might like that even more!
So being the very loving/over feeding dog mother that I am I thought I
would make the delicious Pinterest dog biscuits, with a little bit of
something extra, for my precious pooch pumpkin.

Pup Bizkits (makes a lot)

3 cups flour or wholemeal flour
1 cup polenta (cornmeal)
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1 cup of peanut butter 


1/2 cup peanut butter and 1/2 cup of grated
carrot (dried with paper towel)
Honey to taste

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius
Line baking tray with baking paper
Put all ingredients into a mixer or mixing bowl. Combine until a dough
ball forms.
Roll out dough on a floured surface until 2 cm thick.
Cut out biscuits using whatever biscuit cutter you have. I used an
Easter bunny cutter.
Place cut out dough on the lined baking tray.
Bake for 15 minutes or until golden.
For extra crunchy biscuits bake for a little longer.

*Please note - this recipe makes A LOT of biscuits. The dough is
freezable if you don't want to make a truck load of biscuits at once.

I have noticed the biscuits go a little soft if not cooked all the way
through. This is probably fine as your dog will not care and love them
anyway :)