August 5, 2012

Sparkle Casserole

Winter + casserole = happy Lisa :)

This little Sunday night dinner treat is sure to win the hearts of your fabulous significant other, friends and kids.

It's a Lisa Sparkle creation coming straight to you....from my brain.

Cook, eat, thank me later x

Sparkle Casserole


Pre spiced 'chicken roasting pieces' from Aldi. Approx $7 on a tray.
1 onion
3 sticks of celery
1 red capsicum
1 sprig each of dried thyme and rosemary
3 cloves garlic
1-2 cups red wine
3 cups water
2 cans tinned tomato


Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and put the oven shelves on the very bottom rung.

With oil, cook off chicken pieces 4 or 5 at a time in a big heavy based pot that is suitable for the oven. Put chicken aside once browned, not fully cooked through.

Chop up onion, capsicum and celery roughly into chunks. Take shells off garlic and put veg, garlic and herbs into pot with oil and cook until onion is translucent. Do not burn, cook on low heat.

Once veg is cooked pop chicken back in the pot and pour over the wine, water and tinned tomatoes.

Stir the shit out of it.

Pop the lid on and stick your awesome casserole in the oven for 3 hours. Stir occasionally.

Chicken should fall off the bone and juices reduced. (that's fun to say)

During the 3hrs, pass the time like I do, watch the kardashians or gossip girl :)

Once 3 hrs has passed and the chicken looks sufficiently cooked and f-ing awesome, cook some rice and serve that shit up.

Love me x

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