February 25, 2011

Pinky-Brown Red Velvet Cake - Challange Completed

WOW, this has been some pretty full-on weeks I've just had! First of all i must say...


5mins after proposal, still crying a bit

We have been together for 4 years, and after putting up with me for that long he decided he would like me to be his wife. So, i can no longer call him my Man-Friend he has now graduated to my Fi, which is short for Fiance :)

Back to cake....

It started on Sunday 13th January, day before Valentines day.

As i lay on my couch 3pm slowly creeps around and i say to Marc "I don't wanna make this stupid cake", he lovingly replies "well you don't have to you know!", "but i have to" i say, "My blog needs me". OK, so maybe i didn't say the last thing but maybe, there is someone out there who reads my blog and couldn't possibly live another day without knowing that i had made the Red Velvet Cake......just maybe.

But on this day, i gave up on that person and instead tried my hand at a spot of golf. Needless to say i was pretty shocking at it but it was more fun than making a cake.

Monday 14th January, Valentines Day.

The questions and the emails started rolling in, "have you made the cake?"

I had disappointed my blog friends and not to mention the people at my work where upset their morning tea hadn't arrived.

Anyway, on Wednesday night i decided it was bloody time to get this bloody cake all over and done with. Here is the recipe - I'm going to be super lazy and give you a link.


I had two issues when making this cake.

1. BUY ENOUGH RED DYE!!! I only had about 5-10mls and it calls for about 30mls, hence the reason this post is call Pinky-Brown Red Velvet Cake.
2. i didn't put enough cream cheese frosting on the layers.

That was about it. Otherwise it was quite simple.

A special shout out to Miss Carole (my work colleague), thank you for lending me your knowledge and cake tin, i couldn't have done this without you.

Well people, this cake tasted pretty good and from the pictures below, it appears i wasn't alone in the enjoyment.

Thank you everyone for voting and next time, can ya pick one i don't have to dye?


@ work cutting cake

Wayne, Me, Carole, Karen and James

Julie and Glenys

February 7, 2011

Snickerdoodles = Yum

One of my favorite biscuits are Snickerdoodles. They are all sugary and custard-y and super super yum.

I'm sure i have gained many calories whilst consuming these delightful things.

Actually I'm eating one now and i can feel it slowly making its way to my ass.

Make them, eat them, love them.

Snickerdoodles - Baking Bible

60g softened butter
3/4 cup castor sugar
1 egg
3/4 cup plain flour
1/2 cup self-raising flour
pinch of salt
1/4 cup wheatgerm
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons castor sugar mixed with 2 teaspoons round cinnamon


Preheat oven to 190 degrees C. Lightly grease baking trays. * I use baking paper.

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and mix well. Stir in sifted flours, salt, wheatgerm and vanilla until well combined.

Roll mixture into 2cm balls, then roll the balls in the cinnamon sugar to coat.

Place balls on trays, leaving space between each for spreading. Bake for 10-12 mins.

Makes 24.

February 1, 2011

Winner of Pick a Cake - Red Velvet Cake!!!


Thanks to everyone who voted on the Pick a Cake for me to Make!

The winner by far was the Red Velvet Cake and because its a very sexy lookin thang I've decided to make it for my Valentines Day Special.

So everyone, if you work with me you are going to be lucky little valentines and get to eat this amazing cake (well lets hope it will be amazing!).

If your my friends, sorry loves but you will miss out on the first installment. However you are welcome to come to my house and make it with me, or come to my house and sit around my kitchen table reading magazines and watch me make it, going on past experience this is usually the option preferred. :)

For everyone else, MAKE IT YOUR DAMN SELF! No just kidding. No I'm not hahahha.

Until then i will make and post a special recipe close to my heart and that is always a crowd favorite....Snickerdoodles!

Love Lisa Sparkle

Me and My Man Friend Marc and My Sister Bec (me in the middle)

Fun Picture for no Reason xxx